@ 02 . 25 . 03 @ 09:22

We were hit with an ice storm. Flights have been canceled or delayed. Schools have either closed or been delayed. We don't have class till noon, but I may not go unless the ice melts off the sidewalks. Roads are closed, and this isn't good.
Many of my friends take the bar today. Frank, Ron, Keith, Carlos, and Meredith, good luck getting there, and lots of good luck with the exam. We have faith in you, regardless of what the school says. You're in our thoughts.


@ 02 . 24 . 03 @ 17:00

I just realized I have so much to do today, and I feel like not doing any of it. Go figure.
Vidrio-negro.net expires tonight. I will miss it even if I do feel guilty that I wasn't able to do more with it. I've just had no time, and with blackglass as big as it has become, I really don't feel I can devote myself to anything else.
Since the domain name stops working today I have to go and move some greymatter files to morphiadream, and I have to upload Yaoi no Hentai to morphia as well. This also means I have to install moveabletype over there as well.
It doesn't help that I'm literally exhausted, and that it's nasty outside. They're close to predicting snow! It was 80 degrees yesterday, and today the high was 36. It's rainy and will be turning to ice tonight. Yikes.
Oh yeah, I made minor updates to blackglass, and this includes some new challenge winners. This new batch of writings are worth reading.


@ 02 . 24 . 03 @ 16:28

Granted, I've had my fair share of experiences with the French, but isn't it just a little stupid to rename fries to freedom fries just because the French government does not support a war with Iraq. People's sense of patriotism just baffles me.


@ 02 . 23 . 03 @ 19:32

Watching: The Grammys
I went to see Daredevil today, and it was actually pretty good. Out of all the recent comic book movies, Spiderman still ranks first, but this movie ranks a close second.
The acting was well done. I'm not the biggest Ben Affleck fan, but he was really good in this movie. At times I'd forget it was actually him. Colin Farrell rocked. I loved his interpretation of Bullseye. He had me cracking up through most of the movie, and his last scene was classic. Jen Garner was alright as Elektra. I did like the love story between Matt and Elektra. It was nice and sweet, and the rain scenes did pull at the heart strings.
Overall the movie was smart and entertaining, and I'm just glad it wasn't dumbed down.


@ 02 . 22 . 03 @ 15:42

I made buttons for blackglass! They're the same image but have a different color? I.E. I used antimatter on them. hehe
Anyway, if um you want to link to blackglass, because you know you do, here they are!

Granted, they don't actually say blackglass, but trust me, had I written out the name the buttons would have looked bad, not to mention hard to read. Besides, BG isn't too far off.


@ 02 . 22 . 03 @ 15:05

Last night I caught Bill Mahers new show on HBO. The name escapes me, but the format was very similar to PI. He actually refers to his show as PI2. While I was watching it I kept nodding my head in agreement, and thought, oh my goodness I'm a liberal!! A left-wing miscreant my parents will disown. Actually, I was amused because while I do agree with a few of the things he said, I'm not radical and I absolutely hate labels. I refuse to conform to them either.
And this was really a senseless post.
Something interesting did happen today. Professor V. asked a few students to participate in a symposium for minority students considering attending law school. We were chosen to act as fake students in a fake law class session. I think the students were freaked out by the outcome. T. was in charge of reciting the facts of a hate crime case, and V practically reamed her when she started with an 'um.' Granted, it was a set-up, but none of us were sure what to expect other than the roles were assigned. For instance, two "students" were thrown out, and one was overly prepared. It made T react, and we just sat there trying not to laugh.
It was interesting. Every law school has one of those old fashioned eccentric professors who glean pleasure from humiliating a student to the point of tears then throwing said student out of class in the most embarrassing manner. Then again, I think professors still enjoy humiliating their students, particularly the 1Ls. My class had two such professors, and strangely enough we learned the most from them.


@ 02 . 21 . 03 @ 21:01

In other news, looks like these irresponsible parents are at it again. After amending their pleadings, they are again trying to find McDonalds responsible for their children's obesity. Yeah, letting your children eat fast food every single day is unhealthy, especially since it's common knowledge that that's what greasy food does.


@ 02 . 21 . 03 @ 20:56

Custody of a child is granted to his transexual father in Florida of all places. And here I thought that the 'best interest of the child' was no longer something to go by in their courts. The ruling is truely astonishing. I wonder if it's on Westlaw.
Now they just need to work on their adoption laws.


@ 02 . 21 . 03 @ 13:41

R.I.P. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I knew it would end, but come May 20th I will be in mourning. Even more so if there is no spinoff.
I need my Whedon fix....


@ 02 . 20 . 03 @ 11:40

I'm hot, you're not.
This should be a surprise, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. The website Hot or Not is contemplating suing the reality show for trademark infringement. Honestly, it looks like they have a case since I actually thought the show was based in part on the website, and apparently I'm not the only one.

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